Payment Execution API documentation
1. Introduction
The Payment Execution (PE) API allows clients to make credit and debit payments using Treasury accounts in their e-commerce applications. With this API, you can create deposits (known as receive orders in Fortris) and payouts (known as send orders) and receive updates about them through callback services.
The API ensures secure communication and lets you control who can view and authorize payments. Payments are processed similarly to those done manually by a Treasury operator.
2. Communications
The PE API is designed with strong security in four key areas:
Authentication and data integrity: Verifies that the data comes from a trusted source and hasn’t been tampered with.
Encryption: Protects your data as it travels over the internet, by encoding data in a format that is not readable or understandable without the key and secret.
Replay attack prevention: Stops attackers from repeating a valid data transmission.
Trusted connections: Only approved IP addresses can access the API.
2.1. Authentication and data integrity
To use the PE API, two unique values are needed:
Client Key: This identifies your client and must be included in all requests.
Secret: Used to verify the integrity of the data in your messages and to authenticate you on each request.
Find out more about how to generate the key and secret and how they should be included on the request.
2.2. Encryption
All communications are encrypted using HTTPS to ensure secure data transfer.
2.3. Replay attack prevention
To prevent replay attacks, each request must include a unique number called a nonce. This number must be higher than the one used in the previous request.
2.4. Trusted connections
You need to whitelist your IP addresses with Customer Support to use the PE API. This makes sure only trusted connections can access the API.
3. Backward Compatibility
The PE API ensures backward compatibility, meaning old versions still work even after updates. Here’s what it means:
3.1. Stable functionality
These parts of the API won’t change unexpectedly:
existing request parameters
existing response and callback fields
required HTTP request headers
3.2. Flexible functionality
These parts of the API might be updated:
optional request parameters
new values for existing parameters
optional HTTP request headers
new fields in API responses and callbacks
deprecated features might be removed after notice
the order of fields in responses or callbacks
4. Security
4.1. Key and Secret
You need a key and a secret to use the API. The key identifies you, and the secret is used to create a signature for each request. Include these in your request headers exactly as provided.
The following table shows how each value must be added to the request header:
Header name | Value |
Keep your key and secret safe and don’t share them with anyone. |
4.2. Nonce
A nonce is a unique value that helps prevent replay attacks. Each new request must have a nonce that is greater than the previous one.
5. Getting started
5.1. Get your secret
To start using the PE API, generate a new key and secret by following these steps:
Generate a pair of private and public keys:
openssl genrsa -out privatekey.txt 1024 openssl rsa -in privatekey.txt -pubout -out publickey.txt
The first command generates the private key privatekey.txt. The second command uses the private key to generate the public key publickey.txt. The file named key.txt will contain the base64 encoded secret that should then be used to generate HMAC signatures. -
Send the public key to Customer Support.
Customer Support will send back your encrypted secret:
{ "key": "<new-client-key>", "encryptedSecretBase64Encoded": "<encoded-encrypted-secret>" }
You’ll then decode and decrypt this secret to use it for generating HMAC signatures.
Firstly, decode the secret using:
echo "<encoded-encrypted-secret>" > key.bin.enc base64 --decode -i key.bin.enc -o key.bin
If you’re using the older base64 version, use base64 -d key.bin.enc > key.bin -
Then, decrypt it using:
openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey privatekey.txt -in key.bin -out key.txt
5.2. Signature calculation
Each request to the PE API needs a valid signature and you must make sure to validate this signature to ensure data integrity.
A valid signature has this structure:
signature = HMAC-SHA512(url + sha256(payload), base64decoded(Secret))
Follow these steps to generate the signature:
Get the URL path of the operation (excluding the hostname). For example:
String url="/deposits/create";
Create a SHA-256 hash of the payload:
String payload = "{\n" + "\t\"accountId\": \"00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000\",\n" + "\t\"reference\": \"00000000000000\",\n" + "\t\"callbackUrl\": \"http://localhost:0000/\",\n" + "\t\"expiryDate\": \"2020-01-02T03:04:05.123Z\",\n" + "\t\"requestedAmount\": {\n" + "\t\t\"amount\": 1.00,\n" + "\t\t\"currency\": \"USD\"\n" + "\t},\n" + "\t\"nonce\":1\n" + "}"; String sha256Hex = DigestUtils.sha256Hex(payload);
Combine the URL and hash, then apply HMAC-SHA512 using your secret:
String computedSignature = url + sha256Hex; byte[] keyInBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(secretBase64Encoded); String signatureHeader = new HmacUtils(HmacAlgorithms.HMAC_SHA_512, keyInBytes).hmacHex(computedSignature);
Include this signature in the request headers.
5.2.1. Example
With those values and secret in base64: bXlzZWNyZXQ=`
sha256HexOfPayload=99ccff6cf3ceba5f571b5b6bc6592156dda97c534af9c67635792cffded7db05 urlPlusSha256HexOfPayload=/deposit/create/99ccff6cf3ceba5f571b5b6bc6592156dda97c534af9c67635792cffded7db05 signature=9cced59ae5987fa669f3fe0ef533df32d1e948e58014327f95402090480e449e3faa3290f37f1ed66bd5ffd053539651826591a7a72666809b7203c9e6eaaf18
5.2.2. Changes to the signature algorithm for V3
Some endpoints for V3, like "get balances" or "find deposits," use query parameters and don’t have a request body. In these cases, the query string must be included in the signature calculation to ensure a secure request. Here’s the formula for generating a valid signature when there’s no request body:
signature = HMAC-SHA512(urlWithQueryString, base64decoded(Secret))
For example, when calling "find deposits" at the following URL:
The urlWithQueryString
would be:
The query string should not be encoded. |
For GET requests, the signature should be generated only from the urlWithQueryString
. There is no need to calculate a hash from an empty request body, as required in the original algorithm.
The order of query parameters for signature verification will always match the order in which they appear in the HTTP request. However, if the same query parameter appears multiple times, they must be grouped together and not split by other parameters. For example:
For POST requests, the signature algorithm remains the same as in the old API, as described in the PSP documentation. If a query parameter is provided, use this formula:
signature = HMAC-SHA512(urlWithQueryString + sha256(payload), base64decoded(Secret))
5.3. IP Whitelist
To receive payment updates via callbacks, you need to whitelist your IP addresses. You can send a list of IP addresses to Customer Support.
5.4. Setup PSP accounts
Ensure you have at least one valid PE account set up and activated in Treasury.
6. Deposits
6.2. Address verification
To enhance security during the deposit process you can use address verification. Address verification creates a digital signature of the address payload and sends it back as a part of the response.
Use the field called verificationSignature
to ensure that the address is valid and has not been tampered with. You can find the new field in Appendix B: Callback Samples under 10.B.1 Deposits.
To validate the signature of each address, you need to:
Ask Customer Support for your public key to validate the signatures.
Build the signed payload organizationId#walletId#address.
Verify the signature using the algorithm SHA512withRSA.
Below, you’ll find an example of the verification process in Java:
private boolean isSignatureValid(String organizationId,
String walletId,
String address,
String verificationSignature,
String base64PublicKey) throws GeneralSecurityException {
var publicKey = convertFromPublicKey(base64PublicKey);
var payloadBytes = String.join("#", organizationId, walletId, address).getBytes(UTF_8);
var addressSigningAlgorithm = Signature.getInstance("SHA512withRSA");
return addressSigningAlgorithm.verify(Base64.getDecoder().decode(verificationSignature));
private PublicKey convertFromPublicKey(String publicKey) {
return Try.of(() -> {
var asymmetricKeyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
var X509publicKey = new X509EncodedKeySpec(Base64.decodeBase64(publicKey));
return asymmetricKeyFactory.generatePublic(X509publicKey);
8. Account balance
The API provides an endpoint to check the balance of a PE account, available in both fiat and cryptocurrency.
8.1. Missing exchange rate
If the exchange rate isn’t available, only the cryptocurrency balance will be shown.
8.2. Account balance structure
Account balances are categorized as:
Total balance: All confirmed funds, plus any pending funds that are incoming or outgoing.
Confirmed funds: All funds that have been confirmed and that are yours.
Unconfirmed funds: All incoming funds that haven’t been confirmed yet, minus all outgoing funds that haven’t been confirmed yet.
Available balance: The confirmed funds, minus the unconfirmed sent funds and the locked balance - these are funds that you can spend.
Locked funds: Funds that are pending to be broadcast to the blockchain.
Unconfirmed sent balance: Funds that have been broadcast and are waiting to be confirmed in the blockchain.
Unconfirmed change balance: Funds that are in the process of being consolidated. These are included in the available balance, as they can be spent before they are confirmed (as they come from a Fortris account instead of an external one).
9. Callbacks
Callbacks notify you about updates to your payments. Each callback includes a:
callback ID: a unique identifier
callback type: the type of event that triggered the callback
Callbacks ensure you receive timely updates and retry if the initial delivery fails. Validate the signature included with each callback for data integrity.
9.1. Deposit callbacks
Callbacks for deposits are sent when:
a new deposit address is created - DEPOSIT_CREATED
there are issues during deposit creation - DEPOSIT_CREATION_FAILED
it takes too long to create a deposit - DEPOSIT_CREATION_TIMEOUT
funds are detected but not confirmed - DEPOSIT_RECEIVING_FUNDS
a user marks the corresponding receive order in Treasury as void - DEPOSIT_VOID
the deposit expires in the system without any payment being made - DEPOSIT_EXPIRED
payments to the address are confirmed - DEPOSIT_COMPLETED
9.2. Payout callbacks
Callbacks for payouts are sent when:
a new payout is created - PAYOUT_CREATED
there are issues during payout creation - PAYOUT_CREATION_FAILED
the payout creation times out - PAYOUT_CREATION_TIMEOUT
the payout requires further authorization - PAYOUT_REQUIRES_AUTHORIZATIONS
the payout is fully authorized - PAYOUT_COSIGNER_AUTHORIZED
the transaction signing process has started - PAYOUT_SIGNING
the transaction broadcasting process has started - PAYOUT_SENDING
payout is broadcasted to the blockchain - PAYOUT_SENT
payout is confirmed - PAYOUT_COMPLETED
a Treasury user cancels the associated send order - PAYOUT_CANCELLED
10. Appendices
Appendix A: Code samples
10.A.1. Generate a valid signature for a request
$secretBase64Encoded = '<YOUR_SECRET_BASE64_ENCODED_HERE>';
$url = '/deposits/create';
$payload = "{\n" .
"\t\"accountId\": \"00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000\",\n" .
"\t\"reference\": \”00000000000000\",\n" .
"\t\"callbackUrl\": \"\",\n" .
"\t\"expiryDate\": \"2020-01-02T03:04:05.123Z\",\n" .
"\t\"requestedAmount\": {\n" .
"\t\t\"amount\": 1.00,\n" .
"\t\t\"currency\": \"USD\"\n" .
"\t},\n" .
"\t\"nonce\”:1\n" .
echo hash_hmac('sha512', $url . hash('sha256', $payload), base64_decode($secretBase64Encoded));
Appendix B: Callback samples
10.B.1. Deposits
Deposit created
"verificationSignature": "+qITVtPMKczDVFW/v1OiQNUQpHEN239O6+jOQYYUuKLFogItgGVe6EQutEUs41VCRUmzk=",
Deposit created with an address already used
"verificationSignature": "+qITVtPMKczDVFW/v1OiQNUQpHEN239O6+jOQYYUuKLFogItgGVe6EQutEUs41VCRUmzk=",
"transactionId": "AAAAAA",
"confirmations": 1
"duplicatedFromDepositId": "00000000-0000-0100-0000-00000000000",
Fortris usually generates a new receive address for each new receive order. If you choose to save a receive address and make further payments to it, Fortris will send a callback of DEPOSIT_COMPLETED, but with an additional entry in the body of duplicatedFromDepositId .
Deposit creation failed
"details":"error details"
Deposit creation timeout
"details":" Timeout creating deposit"
Deposit receiving funds
"verificationSignature": "+qITVtPMKczDVFW/v1OiQNUQpHEN239O6+jOQYYUuKLFogItgGVe6EQutEUs41VCRUmzk=",
"transactionId": "AAAAAA",
"confirmations": 0
Deposit receiving funds - multiple payments
"verificationSignature": "+qITVtPMKczDVFW/v1OiQNUQpHEN239O6+jOQYYUuKLFogItgGVe6EQutEUs41VCRUmzk=",
"transactionId": "AAAAAA",
"confirmations": 1
"transactionId": "AAAAAA",
"confirmations": 0
Deposit void
"verificationSignature": "+qITVtPMKczDVFW/v1OiQNUQpHEN239O6+jOQYYUuKLFogItgGVe6EQutEUs41VCRUmzk=",
Deposit expired
"verificationSignature": "+qITVtPMKczDVFW/v1OiQNUQpHEN239O6+jOQYYUuKLFogItgGVe6EQutEUs41VCRUmzk=",
Deposit completed
"verificationSignature": "+qITVtPMKczDVFW/v1OiQNUQpHEN239O6+jOQYYUuKLFogItgGVe6EQutEUs41VCRUmzk=",
"transactionId": "AAAAAA",
"confirmations": 1
10.B.2. Payouts
Payout created
"feePolicy": "NORMAL",
"subtractFee": false,
"useCoinConsolidation" : true,
"orderCodeName": "PAYOUT",
"generalLedgerName": "General Ledger Name",
"generalLedgerProject": "General Ledger Project",
"generalLedgerDistribution": "General Ledger Distribution"
Payout creation failed
"details":"error details"
"feePolicy": "NORMAL",
"subtractFee": false,
"useCoinConsolidation" : true,
"orderCodeName": "PAYOUT",
"generalLedgerName": "General Ledger Name",
"generalLedgerProject": "General Ledger Project",
"generalLedgerDistribution": "General Ledger Distribution"
Payout creation timeout
"details":"Timeout creating payout"
"requestedAmount":{ "amount":1.00, "currency":"USD" },
"feePolicy": "NORMAL",
"subtractFee": false,
"useCoinConsolidation" : true,
"orderCodeName": "PAYOUT",
"generalLedgerName": "General Ledger Name",
"generalLedgerProject": "General Ledger Project",
"generalLedgerDistribution": "General Ledger Distribution"
Payout requires authorizations
"feePolicy": "NORMAL",
"subtractFee": false,
"useCoinConsolidation" : true,
"orderCodeName": "PAYOUT",
"generalLedgerName": "General Ledger Name",
"generalLedgerProject": "General Ledger Project",
"generalLedgerDistribution": "General Ledger Distribution"
Payout cancelled
"requestedAmount":{"amount":1.00, "currency":"USD"},
"feePolicy": "NORMAL",
"subtractFee": false,
"useCoinConsolidation" : true,
"orderCodeName": "PAYOUT",
"generalLedgerName": "General Ledger Name",
"generalLedgerProject": "General Ledger Project",
"generalLedgerDistribution": "General Ledger Distribution"
Payout cosigner authorized
"feePolicy": "NORMAL",
"subtractFee": false,
"useCoinConsolidation" : true,
"orderCodeName": "PAYOUT",
"generalLedgerName": "General Ledger Name",
"generalLedgerProject": "General Ledger Project",
"generalLedgerDistribution": "General Ledger Distribution"
Payout signing
"feePolicy": "NORMAL",
"subtractFee": false,
"useCoinConsolidation" : true,
"orderCodeName": "PAYOUT",
"generalLedgerName": "General Ledger Name",
"generalLedgerProject": "General Ledger Project",
"generalLedgerDistribution": "General Ledger Distribution"
Payout sending
"feePolicy": "NORMAL",
"subtractFee": false,
"useCoinConsolidation" : true,
"orderCodeName": "PAYOUT",
"generalLedgerName": "General Ledger Name",
"generalLedgerProject": "General Ledger Project",
"generalLedgerDistribution": "General Ledger Distribution"
Payout sent
"transactionId": "AAAAAA",
"confirmations": 0
"feePolicy": "NORMAL",
"subtractFee": false,
"useCoinConsolidation" : true,
"orderCodeName": "PAYOUT",
"generalLedgerName": "General Ledger Name",
"generalLedgerProject": "General Ledger Project",
"generalLedgerDistribution": "General Ledger Distribution"
Payout completed
"transactionId": "AAAAAA",
"confirmations": 1
"feePolicy": "NORMAL",
"subtractFee": false,
"useCoinConsolidation" : true,
"orderCodeName": "PAYOUT",
"generalLedgerName": "General Ledger Name",
"generalLedgerProject": "General Ledger Project",
"generalLedgerDistribution": "General Ledger Distribution"
Appendix C: Callback samples for V3
The following examples are for V3 of the PE API. All of the documentation in this guide is relevant for previous versions of the API, however the examples in Appendix B: Callback samples are specifically for Bitcoin. The V3 examples in this section are generic and can be used for any of the cryptocurrencies supported by Fortris including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, USDT and USDC.
10.C.1. Deposits
Deposit completed in Bitcoin
"verificationSignature": "+qITVtPMKczDVFW/v1OiQNUQpHEN239O6+jOQYYUuKLFogItgGVe6EQutEUs41VCRUmzk=",
"transactionId": "AAAAAA",
"confirmations": 1
Deposit completed in Ethereum
"transactionId": "AAAAAA"
Deposit completed in Litecoin
"transactionId": "AAAAAA"
Deposit completed in USDT
"transactionId": "AAAAAA"
Deposit completed in USDC
"transactionId": "AAAAAA"
10.C.2. Payouts
Payout completed in Bitcoin
"transactionId": "AAAAAA",
"confirmations": 1
"feePolicy": "NORMAL",
"subtractFee": false,
"useCoinConsolidation" : true,
"orderCodeName": "PAYOUT",
"generalLedgerName": "General Ledger Name",
"generalLedgerProject": "General Ledger Project",
"generalLedgerDistribution": "General Ledger Distribution"
Payout completed in Ethereum
"transactionId": "AAAAAA"
"orderCodeName": "PAYOUT"
Payout completed in Litecoin
"transactionId": "AAAAAA"
"orderCodeName": "PAYOUT"
Payout completed in USDT
"transactionId": "AAAAAA"
"orderCodeName": "PAYOUT"
Payout completed in USDC
"transactionId": "AAAAAA"
"orderCodeName": "PAYOUT"
Appendix D: Platform error codes
The most common errors are described here.
10.D.1. 4XX Client errors
401 Unauthorized
HTTP Response Code | Platform Error Code | Description |
The |
404 Not found
HTTP Response Code | Platform Error Code | Description |
The Account was not found in the system |
There is no Exchange Rate information for the specified currencies |
The Deposit was not found in the system |
The Payout was not found in the system |
Client token not setup |
The |
Account balance not found for the requested accountId |
Order code not found in the system |
409 Conflict
HTTP Response Code | Platform Error Code | Description |
The |
The OTP provided by the user was not valid |
The current Exchange Rate information in the system was expired |
The Payout was not in the expected status |
The Payout was already fully authorized |
The user with |
The user with |
Not enough available balance for the operation |
When a custom fee rate is set but the functionality is disabled |
422 Unprocessable entity
HTTP Response Code | Platform Error Code | Description |
The currency specified and the currency of the account don’t match |
The Account was not valid |
The Deposit was in an invalid state |
The Payout was in an invalid state |
The |
When a requested custom fee rate exceeds the calculated maximum rate |
When a requested custom fee rate is lower than the minimum rate allowed |
10.D.2. 5XX Server Error
500 Internal server error
HTTP Response Code | Platform Error Code | Description |
Internal error mapping credit state to deposit state |
Internal error mapping debit state to payout state |
Internal error fetching the token |
Internal error calculating account balance |
502 Bad gateway
HTTP Response Code | Platform Error Code | Description |
Internal error fetching credit information |
Internal error authentication |
Internal error reading/writing the token |